Charitable Registration No 11878 7183 RR0001
Our mailing address
10 Royal Orchard Blvd
P.O. Box 53081
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 7R9
Animal Aid and Adoption is private foster based out of our homes
We do not have a Shelter
We specialize in Rescue, Spay, Neuter , and emergency care for cats
If you need help regarding an animal, please call Shirley at the new number
For donations or any other inquiries, email: animalaidadopt@gmail.com
Our latest story

Meet Whitney & her kittens
During the time of year when temperatures plummet below zero, many animals left out to fend for themselves and can fall victim to the cold. Whitney is one of the lucky ones, having been rescued from an outdoor residential colony after Animal Aid was alerted about the situation. The very next day, Whitney delivered 7 adorable kittens and Animal Aid ensured they all received the proper medical attention. With the help of our partner rescue, we were able to insure Whitney and her kittens stayed healthy and when the time came, the kittens would be able to find loving homes.
It is especially important during these cold winter months that Animal Aid is able to help animals in need, since it is when they are the most at risk from the elements and because of your support, we were able to help Whitney and her kittens get them the needed food, supplies, and vetting they needed to ensure that they would go on to live long happy lives in their forever homes.
As always, a special thanks to Bingo World and Gaming for their continued support.
Animal Aid's Meme of the Month!